莫斯科的超市 Supermarkets in Moscow
一開始到了俄國還不知道可以去哪裡買生活用品 因為在俄國沒有頂好Welcome、家樂福、Costco和全聯...等 後來老師跟我們說可以去俄國的大超市叫Ашан (Ashan) 我們自己在這裡也慢慢的陸續發現其他不錯的賣場超市...
Hello! Nihao! I'm Alexis. I just started my journey as a 20 years old girl. Writing a blog had always been one of my dreams, and I can't be more happy that I finally made it. I'm not a professional blogger, but I'm passionate and curious about our planet, people around the world and cultures. So I hope this blog would help you in some ways.
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