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Hello! Nihao! I'm Alexis. I just started my journey of a 20 years old. Starting a blog has always been one of my dreams, and I can't be more happy that I finally make it comes true. I'm not a profession blogger, but I'm passionate and curious about our planet, people around the world and cultures. So I hope this blog could help you in some ways.

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冰島 Iceland (中文/English)


When you read this, I might still be in Iceland trying to feed myself in the cheapest way, and use most of my time and money enjoying the coldness and the breathtaking landscapes, or maybe I’ve already started my next journey somewhere else in the world.

When I look back to the articles I wrote, I find that most of them are about tips and how tos..., but to me traveling is not all about sharing advices on hotels and foods, it’s about how it changes my views on things and emotions.


If you asked me the reasons I chose to come to Iceland to celebrate my Christmas, I would have told you that Iceland was not the first country that came in mind when my roommates and I were discussing where to spend our holidays, but I would also tell you that I don’t and will never regret choosing to come, and this might even be the best Christmas I’ve ever had.


There were of course ups and downs, and times when I felt so frustrated that I wanted to do nothing but to sit in the hotels until my flight back to Moscow, but I guess giving up is just not my thing. And isn't learning and growing one of the purposes of traveling?


Iceland is unlike other European countries, having convenient transportations, old churches from the middle age, and castles, but there are beautiful landscapes, the smell of sulfur in the air and water and icy mountains. The people here are really nice and friendly, if it wasn't for the helps we got from the Icelandic people we met here, it would have take us way more time to figure out how to get to places. And with Icelandic being their official language, most of the people speak English fairly well.


Maybe I'm getting old, or maybe after living in the city for nearly my whole life, city life is no longer attracting to me, and sometimes I even feel annoyed by crowded places, and the broad fields in Iceland actually make me feel cheerful and free. This varies from person to person though, but I would definitely love to come back again.

Currently I'm in



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